May Lab Group Meeting Schedule
(Tuesday 9:30 am, ZOOM, formally in 5018 SERC)
May-Daugulis-Gilbertson Group Meeting Schedule
(Fri. 5 pm, 162 Fleming)
11/2023: News regarding the May group is now on Scientia.
01/2023: Jirong (Eric)'s paper is now on Organic Letters.
09/2022: Clay and Amy's paper is now on Organic Letters.
07/2022: Po-Kai (Luke)'s paper is now on Organic Letters.
06/2021: Amy successfully defenses her dissertation, Congratulations Dr. Boylan!
03/2021: Amy's paper is now on Molecules.
12/2020: Steven successfully defenses his dissertation, Congratulations Dr. Wang!
12/2020: Qinxuan's (Steven) paper is now on Organic Letters.
- 11/2020: Welcome Hung, Tan and Zhencheng join May group!
04/2020 : Qinxuan's (Steven) paper is now on Organic Letters.
01/2020 : Sasha and Thien's paper is now on Organic Letters.
- 3/3/2020: Sasha successfully defenses her dissertation, Congratulations Dr. Sundstrom!
01/2019 : Sasha and Thien's paper is now on Organic Letters.
- 11/2019: Welcome Po-Kai and Clayton join May group!
- 09/2019: Jirong passed his canidancy exam! Congrats!
- 05/2019:
Truong received the graduate research and best thesis award and Sasha
received the teaching award for organic labs! Congrats!
- 04/2019: On the same day, Truong Nguyen and Hiroyuki Hattori successfully defended their PhDs!
- 02/2019: Jirong presented his first department seminar on the topic of chiral Cp ligands (and passed)!
- 12/2018: Po-An (Alan) Chen successfully defends his PhD! Congrats!
- 11/2018: Amy passed her candidacy exam! Congrats! 2/2!
- 10/2018: Qinxuan passed his candidacy exam! Congrats! 1/2!
- 6/2018: Truong's OL paper is now online!
- 5/2018: Amy recieves Organic TA Teaching Award!
- 5/2018: Truong received Graduate Research Award! Congrats!
- 4/2018: Krit Setthakarn Successfully defends his PhD! Congrats, doctor!
- 12/2017: Another Truong's Org. Lett. paper!
- 11/2017: Congrats Hiro for his first paper!
- 9/2017: Edward paper is finally online! Congrats!
- 8/2017: Alan and Krit's work is now on ACS Catalyst
- 06/2016: Truong's work is published in Organic Letters
- 05/1016: Welcome Sasha and Amy join May group
06/2015 : Edward and Thien's paper is now on Angewandte
Chemie International Edition Early View.
06/2015 : Congratuation! Phong successfully defended his
05/2015 : Ravi and Thien have successfully defended their
thesis. Congratulation, Dr. Vallakati and Dr. Nguyen.
05/02/14: Congratulations to Ravi on receiving the Kochi
Research Award!
04/11/14:Congratulations! Santa now becomes Dr.
Jansone-Popova. She successfully defended her thesis.o
03/22/14:Santa and Phong's paper is now available online
on Tetrahedron.
- 03/06/14:Congratulations to Jeremy on attaining a
National Science Foundation CAREER Award!
11/26/12:Ravi's work was featured in Org.
Chem. Highlights!
11/20/12:Santa's paper is one of JACS top
20 most downloaded!
11/16/12: Phong and Thien's paper is now on Organic
Letters ASAP.
11/13/12: Welcome to the group Emma!
10/28/12: Happy Birthday Thien!
10/18/12: Santa's paper on the carbene cascade to
synthesize bridged bicyclic systems has been accepted to
JACS and will appear on ASAP soon!
05/28/12: Ravi's work has been highlighted in Nature
Chemistry here.
05/22/12: Happy Birthday Ravi!
05/15/12: Tho Tran has won a PURS fellowship for Fall of
2012. Congrats!
4/26/12: Tho Tran was awarded a SURF for this summer!
04/17/12: Happy Birthday Edward!
04/12/12: Ron is presenting a poster on his research in
the UH Undergraduate Research Symposium from 4 to 6 pm.
04/09/12: Congratulations to Ravi on having his latest
work accepted for publication as a communication in JACS!
04/02/12: Congratulations to Jeremy on winning a
University of Houston Teaching Excellence Award!
03/27/12: Happy Birthday Brian!
- 03/12/12: Congratulations to Ron on winning a prestigious
ACS Division of Organic Chemistry SURF!
Group Parties

Spring 2023

Summer 2021


Summer 2019: Sam Houston National Forest

2017: Brazos Bend State


2016:Christia V. Adair Park

2015: Christia V. Adair Park
Christmas Party



